Go Ahead and Get Started!
- ...pick your seat.
- ...grab a large index card, handout & a couple markers from BLACK Cart.
- Attendance! Who can help?
- Seating Chart.
- Your Schedule.
- Course Criteria Sheet and Field Trip.
- Medical Form.
- Tardy Policy.
- Beverage Policy.
- Who is your English Teacher? presentation.
- Who are You?
- Where are you? A classroom tour!
- How can you demonstrate your power as a learner in this classroom, school and community by utilizing the Course Criteria?
Work Time
- Have your Course Criteria sheet signed by Monday.
- Have your Field Trip Medical Form filled out.
- Have all your supplies by Monday for a Supply Check grade.
THURSDAY 9-4: Chromebooks and Chrome OS
- ...sit in the seat you selected yesterday.
- ...set up your name card so your teacher can see it.
- ...begin the Do Now below.
Do Now #2 - Screen Time!
Woot.com, BrainHoney.net, The Daily Chive, Twitter, Weather Bug, Daily Horoscope, DI Radio, Facebook, Huffington Post, Google Calendar, Dish Network, Netflicks, Hulu Plus, Apple TV, Wii, Skyward Sword, Fit Brains, Tumblr, Nike Running, Pandora, CVS Pharmacy, EverTube, Instagram, Common Core, Podcasts, Crossfader, MixMiester, Garage band, Acorns, Mindfulness, iTunes, Fandango, What's App, SkyView, M&T Bank, AFCU
Woot.com, BrainHoney.net, The Daily Chive, Twitter, Weather Bug, Daily Horoscope, DI Radio, Facebook, Huffington Post, Google Calendar, Dish Network, Netflicks, Hulu Plus, Apple TV, Wii, Skyward Sword, Fit Brains, Tumblr, Nike Running, Pandora, CVS Pharmacy, EverTube, Instagram, Common Core, Podcasts, Crossfader, MixMiester, Garage band, Acorns, Mindfulness, iTunes, Fandango, What's App, SkyView, M&T Bank, AFCU
- I know what a Chromebook is and how to take care of it.
- I know what Chrome OS is and how to personalize it.
- I can explain all of this to my parents.
- Attendance! Who can help?
- Did you have your Course Criteria Sheet signed?
- Do you have your supplies for Monday?
- Introducing Your Chromebook!
- How Do You Take Care of Your Chromebook?
- How Do I Use Chrome OS?
- How Do I Customize My Chromebook?
- How Do I Navigate Using the Chromebook Trackpad?
- Warning: Do not change the default language of your Chromebook or you will not be able to use it.
Mr. DeGrandis will demonstrate the above techniques.
But first we need to assign you a Chromebook!
Work Time
- Find two more videos about using a Chromebook or Chrome OS.
- Just type in "Tips on Using Chrome OS" and select videos.
- Change your wallpaper.
- Add your profile picture to your account.
- Go to Google Play and download 1 Cool Educational App you think other students would like too.
- Arrange your Chromebook Apps.
If you find something really cool, let me know!
TUESDAY and Wednesday 9-8 and 9-9: Composition Notebooks and Google Classroom

Google Classroom Student Intro
Type in the code for your period when you click on "Join a Class."
Mr. DeGrandis will come around to each of you and make sure you are able to get into Google Classroom.

Work Time
- ...set up your name card so your teacher can see it.
- ...get out your signed Course Criteria Sheet and comp book and a marker.
- ...begin the Do Now below.
Do Now #3 - Personalize Your Chromebook!
Open your Chromebook and do the following...
Open your Chromebook and do the following...
- Change your background wallpaper.
- Add your picture to your account profile.
- Arrange your Chromebook Apps.
- Go to Google Play and type the word student in the search box at the top of the page.
- Download one app that you think is interesting.
- I can set up my composition notebook, the table of contents and number all its pages.
- Attendance! Who can help?
- Do you have your supplies: composition book, pens and pencils?
- Hand in your Course Criteria Sheet!
Google Classroom Student Intro
Type in the code for your period when you click on "Join a Class."
Period 1: 89lptma
2: gxfep6r
Period 5AC:ny4h19
Period 5BD:z3c6c4
Period 6: uqmibvz
Period 9: v5bmtr
Mr. DeGrandis will come around to each of you and make sure you are able to get into Google Classroom.
Work Time
- Click on the Stream tab.
- Complete Assignment #1.0 in the Stream and Turn It In by the end of the period.
THURSDAY 9-10: The Active Reading Strategy

I understand how to use the active reading strategy for independent reading.
What is Active Reading and how do I do it?
- Go to the class website at johndegrandis1.blogspot.com
- Scroll down to Thursday...
- Then, start Do Now #4
Do Now #4 - COPY this entry into your Composition Book!
Entry Title: Vocabulary List 1
Entry Title: Vocabulary List 1
1. brazen – (brazenly) exaggerated fearlessness or boldness
James made several brazen attempts to cross the busy street on his tricycle, but he chickened out every time.
James made several brazen attempts to cross the busy street on his tricycle, but he chickened out every time.
2. deftly – (deft) to move in a quick and skillful manner
The crowd roared with applause when Alisha finished her deftly executed routine.
The crowd roared with applause when Alisha finished her deftly executed routine.
3. fetish – an abnormal attention or attachment
Jeremy had an abnormal, childish fetish for sucking his thumb, even though he was fourteen years old.
Jeremy had an abnormal, childish fetish for sucking his thumb, even though he was fourteen years old.
I understand how to use the active reading strategy for independent reading.
- Attendance! Who can help?
- Did you hand in your Course Criteria Sheet?
- Do you have your supplies?
What is Active Reading and how do I do it?
Watch this presentation to understand how to use active reading to improve your reading comprehension.
Download the short story, Checkouts by Cynthia Rylant. Just click on this link.

Work Time
Finish reading Checkouts, a short story, by Cynthia Rylant and complete 10 thoughts in Assignment #2.0 in the Stream in google Classroom.
Download the short story, Checkouts by Cynthia Rylant. Just click on this link.
- Once it opens, click the download icon at the top of the screen.
- Open the downloaded file and right click on it.
- Select Rotate Clockwise from the menu.
- Good work! You're ready to go!
- Get ready to practice Active Reading!
Work Time
Finish reading Checkouts, a short story, by Cynthia Rylant and complete 10 thoughts in Assignment #2.0 in the Stream in google Classroom.

Mr. DeGrandis will show you how it's done.
Work Time
- Get your composition book, name tag and Chromebook!
- Get out your Homework Out for a HW Check (Active Reading Worksheet)
- Begin Do Now #6
Do Now #6
Once you are done, reply to at least one other students' predictions.
Once you are done, reply to at least one other students' predictions.
- Attendance!
- Get out your DIRT Day novel.
- Don't have one? Wait for further instructions!
- What is DIRT Day?
- How do I fill out a DIRT Day entry in my composition notebook? Check out the Independent Reading Time Guidelines.
- What novels are acceptable?
Mr. DeGrandis will show you how it's done.
Work Time
- Start a DIRT Day entry.
- Begin reading your novel and complete 5 thoughts before the end of the period.