TUESDAY 10-13 (B Day): Vocabulary Review Day
Get your composition book and your Chromebook.
Do Now - Do It!
Entry title: Make a Sentence
With a partner or on your own, use three words from Vocabulary List I in a sentence that proves you understand the meaning of each word. Be prepared to share your sentence with the class for a raffle ticket!
Sample Sentence:
Entry title: Make a Sentence
With a partner or on your own, use three words from Vocabulary List I in a sentence that proves you understand the meaning of each word. Be prepared to share your sentence with the class for a raffle ticket!
- Carey's brazen attempts to follow her intuition about Mark's lapse in fidelity led her to bust the windows out of his new Porsche.
- Then... Go to www.flashcardmachine.com
- Study your vocabulary words until Mr. DeGrandis calls time.
Learning Targets for Today
- I can determine the meaning of word I don't know through context clues. L.8.4
- I can gather vocabulary knowledge through expression in writing and speaking. L.8.6
- New Strategy: Around the Room and Back
- An activity where teams travel "around the room and back" in a competition to complete station challenges that review class content.
- How it works...
- Your stick color determines the make up of your group.
- Your teacher will assign each color group to a station to begin the game.
- You will have 3 minutes to complete the challenge.
- The group who completes the challenge before time runs out wins that round.
- The group that wins the most rounds before returning to their original station wins three raffle tickets each for the next class raffle!
- Reminder: Use good sportsmanship!
Study for the vocabulary test...
- Memorize all definitions.
- Memorize proper spelling.
- Know all of the word's family members.
- Practice writing the words and their family members in sentences.
WEDNESDAY 10-14 (C Day): Vocabulary Test!
- Get your Chromebook and Composition Book.
- Be seated, quiet and working before the timer goes off!
DO NOW - Gmail, Google Classroom
Test directions and expectations for using Google Forms.
Click here to take the test!
THURSDAY 10-15 (D Day): Who is Ha Anchor Chart
- Do Now - COPY
- Entry Title: Good Readers Infer!
- To infer means to basically take something from the text and combine it with something you already know in order to figure something out. You will infer again today in order to learn more about Ha's character.
Learning Targets for Today
- I can make inferences to deepen my understanding of Inside Out & Back Again. (Inferencing)
- I can cite evidence from the novel to explain how incidents reveal aspects of Ha's character (personality) as she is shaped by war. (Proving what you think the novel is saying by quoting accurately with words, phrases and details from the novel.)
- I can use context clues to figure out the meaning of words I don't know.
- I can participate in discussions about the text with a partner, small group and the whole class.
- Mini-Lesson:
- Modeling: Modeling of how to take notes using a graphic organizer, Who is Ha? Graphic Organizer
- You Help: Offer your details!
- You Try It on Your Own!
- Assessment: Completed graphic organizer.
- Homework: None
FRIDAY 10-16 (A Day): DIRT Day
I can closely read a text for improved comprehension and recall of textual evidence.
Work Time
Ten Thoughts due by the end of the period. Your work will be checked ten minutes before the period it over.
Do Now - Start a new DIRT Day entry!
I can closely read a text for improved comprehension and recall of textual evidence.
Work Time
Ten Thoughts due by the end of the period. Your work will be checked ten minutes before the period it over.
Check + = More than 10 thoughts.
Check - = Fewer then 10 thoughts.