TUESDAY 1-17 B-Day: Reading To Kill a Mockingbird
- Check your Gmail!
- Quiz tomorrow on Chapters 1-2. Use your structured notes to study from.
- Have the novel TKMB out and ready!
DO Now - Copy
Copy these words into your Vocabulary List IV entry!
9. benign adj. (benignly) showing or expressing kindness or gentleness
10. acquiesce v. (acquiesced, acquiescing) submit or comply silently or without protest; agree; consent
We were accustomed to prompt, if not always cheerfully acquiescing to Atticus's instructions, but from the way he stood Jem was not thinking of budging.
Learning Target(s)
- I can identify how the author, Harper Lee, begins to introduce the theme of Taking a Stand through several characters including Scout, Jem and .
Work Time
- Topics for tomorrow's quiz include: Setting, Taking a Stand, Shirley Chisholm, Character Quotes, and Details on Chapters 1 and 2.
- Finish reading Chapter 2 and complete the Structured Notes for it.
- Focus: 1) Anything about Atticus & 2) Any examples of someone Taking a Stand!
- Then, begin Chapter 3 and complete the Structured Notes for it.
- Focus: 1) Anything about Atticus & 2) Any examples of someone Taking a Stand!
Use the above link to hear each chapter of the novel read to you AND to hear a summary of each chapter!
Assessment / Homework
WEDNESDAY 1-18 C-Day: Quiz on Chapters 1-2 of TKMB
- Check your Gmail!
- Resources for To Kill a MockingbirdUse the above link to hear each chapter of the novel read to you AND to hear a summary of each chapter!
DO Now - Atticus
Entry Title: Describing Atticus
- Copy the following paragraph into your composition notebook and fill in the blanks.
Atticus is a man who values family over money. This is because he sacrifices his own money for them. For example, when the narrator talks about how Atticus spent his money once he became a lawyer, she says, " _____________ ." This proves Atticus values family over money because ___________ . For Atticus Finch, family trumps money every time.
Learning Target(s)
- I can demonstrate my understanding of Setting, Taking a Stand, Shirley Chisholm, Character Quotes, and Details on Chapters 1 and 2 by taking an objective test.
Mini-Lesson: Google Classroom Quiz
Work Time
- Complete the quiz and submit when done.
Assessment / Homework
- Correct quiz and play Kahoot! if time.
- Check Your Gmail
Use the above link to hear each chapter of the novel read to you AND to hear a summary of each chapter!
DO Now - Think and Do
Entry Title: Two Words one Sentence
Learning Target(s)
Mini-Lesson: Using FlashCard Machine
Work Time
- Work on your flashcards. They are due at the end of the period tomorrow.
Assessment / Homework
FRIDAY 1-20 A-Day: DIRT Day / Make-ups or DIRT Day
You may finish your flashcards or read your independent reading book.