THURSDAY 1-17-19 B-Day: Analyzing My Writing
- Check Your Gmail!
- Are you working on your 20% Time Project? How's It going?
- You have about 14 weeks (about 3.5 months) left before we start planning our Ted-Talks.
DO Now - View and Comment
Entry Title: Peer Reviewing
Use your own headset or borrow a class set from up front!
2. Answer this question: What is one thing you learned about peer review and why do you think it is important?
3. Be prepared to share your answer for a ticket.
Learning Target(s)
Mini-Lesson: Using Feedback to Improve Your Writing
- Why are we doing this? It was clear that many students did not provide their partners high quality feedback that could have helped improve their grades.
- Global Issues FIRST - Impacts the whole essay
- What is the thesis statement or controlling idea?
- How well are ideas organized in the essay?
- Local Issues SECOND - Impacts specific parts of an essay
- Sentence issues (awkward, confusing)
- Paragraph issues (TREES)
- Proofreading (grammar, spelling, capitalization)
- Use the rubric language provided when making comments.
- When making negative comments, use "I" statements. When making positive comments, give a reason why!
- Use an end note comment that summarizes your feedback.
Work Time
- Complete Assignment 47.0 in Google Classroom.
- Due by 11:59PM Sunday.
Assessment / Homework
FRIDAY 1-18-19 C-Day: Blog Update!